Evelyn H Lazare

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Readers write
I just downloaded the Kindle version of your first book from Amazon and read it non-stop - I really enjoyed it, it clips along at a good pace with some juicy details.
Vancouver, BC Canada
I just finished the sequel. Much darker I think than the last one...more intricate...steamier...
And what about Dan???
Well done...very enjoyable.
Berwyn, PA USA
This is a perfect day for me to start re-reading The Ladies Who Don’t Lunch, with a full pot of strong coffee and a log in the fireplace.
My intention is to make a note of all the meals served by the ladies. I plan to prepare one of these “plaisirs de la table” for my guests on various occasions in the future.
I will be serving the first Sunday brunch menu of mimosas, frittatas, green salad, baguette and strong coffee at my next brunch to celebrate my sister’s birthday.
Ottawa, ON Canada
​​You naughty little woman! Enjoying Lauren’s journey!
Vancouver, BC Canada
It is a little past midnight and I have just finished reading The Ladies Who Do Dinner.
It was great to get reacquainted with the group of women and finally have an explanation for Dan’s disappearance. What a whirlwind of events! I really enjoyed the twists and turns and could not put the book down until the end.
I have to say that the last page left me wanting more, but I understand that this was your third and last novel in this series. Or maybe not…

Evelyn H Lazare
published her first novel, The Ladies Who Don't Lunch, in 2013. Encouraged by her readers to continue, she published the sequel, The Ladies Who Still Don't Lunch, in 2014. Further encouraged, she published The Ladies Who Do Dinner in 2016.
​The three novels tell the stories of six women who meet at each other's homes for dinner. There, they tell the stories of their lives, loves and losses. And the
men in each category. ​
The Ladies books are available as both e-books and paperbacks on Amazon sites worldwide. They have already sold in five countries.
A retired health care executive and a life-long wordsmith, Evelyn lives in Ottawa, Ontario, the National Capital of Canada.